From the Pastor’s Desk

This weekend we welcome a visiting missionary priest, Fr. Albert Adeleke of Ijebu-Ode Diocese, Nigeria.  Fr. Albert’s presence among us reminds us of the reality of the missionary work of the Church – clergy, religious men and women, and the faithful – as well as the important work that they do for the Lord Jesus: proclaiming the truth and mercy of God.  In response, we will take up a second collection this weekend.  This collection directly supports the evangelization of people throughout the world.

Fr. Albert Adeleke asked me to share a little about his diocese and the pressing needs they are facing the people in his diocese.

The Ijebu-Ode Diocese is located in the Western part of Nigeria, near Lagos.  Ijebu-Ode Diocese is a rural but growing Diocese.  Within the diocese the population is predominantly Muslim; 50% Muslims, 25% Christians of other denominations, 15% of Catholics and 10% of Traditional African believers.  The Diocese has 32 parishes with over 150 churches, 7 houses of formation, 12 religious houses for male and female religious groups.  The Catholic population does not have enough material and financial resources to sustain their many developing programs of evangelization; sustenance of priest and religious, training of seminarians, and to sustain primary health care project for the villagers.

Please welcome Fr. Albert Adeleke and support the Missionary Cooperative Collection, as generously as you are able.

May God bless the efforts of evangelization throughout the world,

Fr. Wilke