From the Pastor’s Desk

From the Pastor’s Desk

Third Sunday of Easter

From our Gospel this Sunday, it seems that after the apparent disaster that was the Crucifixion and death of Jesus that his friends and followers returned to their old way of life and what they knew best: fishing! However, through the power of the Resurrection, nothing can ever be the same again. What begins as a very ordinary invitation to eat a cooked breakfast becomes a deep experience of forgiveness and renewal for Peter. Having denied Jesus three times, Jesus now offers him the opportunity to renew his commitment as a faithful and loyal disciple. Jesus is not angry with Peter for his denial, and neither does He judge or criticize him. The risen Jesus not only changes the way they fish, He also changes their hearts, especially Peter’s. The Resurrection transforms the old into the new and looks to the future rather than dwell on the past. Once Peter pledges his love to Jesus, he is invited once again to follow Jesus. This is true for all of us. Through the Resurrection we are renewed, restored and refreshed, so that we live our lives and look to the future with faith in Jesus and in ourselves.


Fr. Wamayose